I am an early career researcher specialising in molecular biology and conservation genetics. My undergraduate (BSc) and postgraduate (PhD) training was completed at the University of New South Wales. Between 2012 and 2014, I managed a genetic testing service to estimate domestic dog introgression in dingoes, after being trained by the late A/Prof Alan Wilton.
Following my PhD, I worked in the Ramaciotti Centre for Genomics where I gained valuable experience with next-generation sequencing platforms, both short read (Illumina) and long read (Nanopore).
In 2017, I started working at the Centre for Ecosystem Science as an Adjunct Associate Lecturer. This has enabled me to start an independent research project continuing and developing my PhD project.
I am now working on a research project, partnering with the Australian Dingo Foundation, to investigate the utility of next-generation whole genome SNP technology to estimate admixture in dingoes. This data will enable research into important scientific questions concerning the origin, biogeography and conservation of dingoes. It will lead to a high-resolution, accurate and reliable next-generation dingo DNA test for estimating domestic dog introgression in captivity and the wild.

Canid evolution and origin
2004 - 2009
University of New South Wales
Bachelor of Science, Honours 1st Class. Majoring in Zoology and Genetics.
Conservation genetics and Biogeography
Admixture and Hybridisation
Dingo Identity
2010 - 2015
University of New South Wales
Doctorate of Philosophy. Molecular Biology and Genetics. "Population differentiation in the dingo: biogeography and molecular ecology of the Australian Native Dog using maternal, paternal and autosomal genetic markers".